Hooray! This is really happening! Your very own place to share your knowledge and experience, to help the communities of Colorado (and the world!) to better understand our fluffy best friends. This is going to be amazing! :)
Here are the main pieces of each blog post:
(click the arrow next to each item to read more)
Title (max 100 characters)
Body (max roughly 10,000 characters)
Excerpt (max 140 characters)
Cover Image
Formatting your Blog Posts:
You can add photos, videos, links and so much more! Just use the toolbar below located at the bottom of the blog editor, or click on the (+) next to the line that you want to insert your media into! There are a lot of tools that can elevate whatever you're talking about, so play around and let me know if you have any questions!
To insert a link into the text so that it reads like this, or to change any text formatting, simply highlight what you would like to edit and use the toolbar that appears!
Some things to think about as you craft your blog:
What kind of categories can you think of to help organize your content?
This helps your readers find relevant and useful information easily based on their needs and curiosities. This will also help your site recommend similar content to readers, which just helps to spread the knowledge and wisdom1